Changes in BCP and DR plan after 9/11 attack

In September 11, 2001, when America was attacked by Islamic terrorists then the entire business community felt blow, most of the economic sector was damaged because of that attack and stock market nosedived by hit. The economy of U.S.A. was seriously injured and it already facing moderate recession so the struggling business community gets so much harm. This attack brought the reality of disaster recovery planning of U.S.A. sharply into focus because after this attack more than half of the small and medium company did not recover from disaster and till now they are not able to trade again in the market...

In lower Manhattan there are many small business sectors and enterprises in vicinity of WTC who suffered major loss because of the terrorist attack. Around eighteen thousand small businesses were destroyed. 
Business continuity planning is the most important thing for a company because this planning determines the death or life of any company. Today if companies had to close their business for around 10 days then there are more than 65% companies who cannot continue their business and could not stay. After 9/11/2001 most of the company takes business continuity plan seriously and implement it.
Disaster recovery planning is usually technology oriented; it mainly focuses on things that what to do after disaster and how to survive when any disaster occurs. The disaster recovery plan works right after any disaster and because of this you can get the system and network up and run them quickly. The disaster recovery plan can work without business continuity plan but business continuity plan cannot work without disaster recovery plan. So many companies developing business continuity plan into their environment.
FEMA declares that since 1953, we faces almost 1,572 disasters and after 9/11 attack on America we faced many catastrophic event like North America blackout, Tsunami, Hurricane Ivan.

Business Continuity Plan:

This plan is proactive planning approach which ensures that products or critical services are delivered when any disruption occurs and these products and critical services are delivered to avoid causing injury, ensure survival, and meet legal or other obligations of business for permit the company to recover its data, facility and assets the planning of business continuity includes – 

Identification of necessary resources (accommodations, information, financial allocations, including personnel, equipment, infrastructure protection and legal counsel)

Disaster Recovery Plan:

Disaster recovery plan is a plan for business continuity when any disaster occurs and destroys all or part of a business's resources, including IT equipment, the physical space of an organization and data records. The goal behind implementing the disaster recovery plan is to resume normal computing capabilities in as quickly as possible. A typical DRP has several stages, includes – 

Understanding an organization's activities and how all of its resources are interconnected.
Assessing an organization's vulnerability in all areas, including operating procedures, physical space and equipment, data integrity and contingency planning.
Understanding how all levels of the organization would be affected in the event of a disaster.
Developing a short-term recovery plan.
Developing a long-term recovery plan, including how to return to normal business operations and prioritizing the order of functions that are resumed.
Testing and consistently maintaining and updating the plan as the business changes. 

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